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Sell your MS Office 2010?

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Do you have one or more licenses for MS Office 2010 which you are not using? I would like to buy one copy of Office Home & Student, and two copies of Office Home & Business, with installation CDs. The licenses would be transferred from your computer to mine, of course. Please send offers by PM, and post comments to this forum thread.

I've changed my plan. Instead of MS Office I will try Softmaker Office. The price is so much better, and compatibility is reportedly quite good. I'll feel much better if I can get free from MS.

You can also try LibreOffice, which is free. :Thmbsup:

You can also try LibreOffice, which is free. :Thmbsup:
-Deozaan (May 14, 2014, 03:21 PM)
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I use both: Softmaker Office is much more compatible with MS Office. Libre Office's compatibility is so-so to poor in my experience. Softmaker's main weakness in comparision to Libre (again in my experience) is it's search - search steals focus, and doesnt allow you to edit, you've got to close it (search) to do anything - and then open it again to continue.

Softmaker forums are active, I'd highly recommend it if MS compatibility is important (disclaimer: I've absolutely no experience with PowerPoint/Presentations).

You can also try LibreOffice, which is free.-Deozaan (May 14, 2014, 03:21 PM)
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Thanks, Deozaan. Our organization has gone to LibreOffice in an effort to break free from Microsoft, so I use it as necessary. But it is sometimes surprisingly different or simply awkward in the way it works. It is fine as a free Office suite, but I would never use or recommend it specifically as a replacement for MS Office. That's why I want to try Softmaker Office. If it is as similar to MS Office as I have heard, I would rather pay for it than use the free LibreOffice. (Yes, I know Softmaker has a free version, but I need the more advanced capabilities of the paid version.)

I use both: Softmaker Office is much more compatible with MS Office. Libre Office's compatibility is so-so to poor in my experience. ... I'd highly recommend [Softmaker] if MS compatibility is important-tomos (May 14, 2014, 03:30 PM)
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Thanks, Tomos, for that confirmation. Yes, compatibility with MS Office is important for my use, so that's another reason I don't want to go with LibreOffice.


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