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National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC)
NIST (U.S. Department of Commerce) seems to think it can help with online identity...
Just how stupid does anyone need to be to trust these guys?
If that wasn't on the actual NIST site, I would have thought it was a parody. Unfortunately, it's not.
The morons even put smart cards with RFID in there! You need to be completely brain-dead to trust RFID. There's no excuse for that level of incompetence. Well... brain death is an excuse, but other than that...
Stoic Joker:
OMFG You have GOT to be Kidding! The "Trusted Identity" positively identifies you but not by using your name...(because that's really important (...Not!))...and they pinky swear promise not to keep that correlation in a database.
:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
...Hay Ren, what do you get when you cross a lemming with a sheep?
Yeah right! Sign me up...
Maybe it's time to revive that old IBM slogan:
...Hay Ren, what do you get when you cross a lemming with a sheep?
-Stoic Joker (April 29, 2014, 11:33 AM)
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Hmm... Not sure... Got a few guesses though!
* A voter
* A super-cute Disney special that ends in mass slaughter and crying children
* A shemming or leep (off a cliff)
How am I doing so far?
Yeah right! Sign me up...
Maybe it's time to revive that old IBM slogan:
-40hz (April 29, 2014, 05:23 PM)
--- End quote ---
I believe that is under regulation by some alphabet soup department and requires certification and licensing. I hear the fees are worth it because prison terms for trying it without being properly licensed really are worse than they say they are.
On the downside, you'll need a Trusted Identity in Cyberspace to apply for a certification course or a license...
I'm not even a techie and that sounds like a video Mobius loop. "Instead of a password, you can have a 'credential' ". What is a credential?! And how do you provide it somewhere that can't be stolen in Heartbleed?!
And I agree with the opinion of scary-humor of "there is no central database to track these". Except... by the providers who issued them, right? I'd love to see *that* management meeting.
"So, how many of these have we issued?"
"We don't know."
"Uh, how do you not know?"
"We just issue the things, we don't track them."
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