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Free Software Requirements
Don't take this the wrong way as i am 100% in favor of paying for any software used on a regular basis. I would not work at MY job for Free and don't think others should either.
I have noticed an unusual trend in almost every program that offers a free trial period. They all ask for your name and your email address. Of you don't give it, they wont let you have a copy. They don't even seem to care if it is your real name. And only the few that send confirmation emails care if it is a your real email. AVAST and Malwarebytes have even begun to do like GOOGLE and almost FORCE you to read the "fine print" which they make very large but still let you skip through ad no one ever reads it.
The gist seems to be that they are telling you that they will be collecting certain data from your system for their usage (NEVER to be shared) to "help make a better program".
This is all OK with me and in most cases I end up buying the program anyway but it seems that every trial program i have ever dealt with has started this exact same procedure in only the past few months. Has anyone else notice this?
Was this a government regulation thing or...Somethign else.
I wonder if it is related to all webpages having a popup telling you that they use cookies now?
It may be more the developers starting to cover their asses in anticipation of possible legal exposure now that the tide is slowly turning and the general public is getting fed up with data gathering and surreptitious spying.
The PBS Frontline program will be airing a two part show this week called The United States of Secrets that explores how 9/11 gave some elements in government carte blanch to "do whatever is necessary" to protect Americans - even if that meant turning their nation into a police surveillance state. This is bound to raise awareness and trigger a genuine discussion some people in government (and business) would rather not see this nation have.
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