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Valley of Dolls - remote village of Nagoro, Japan populated by dolls
Great find Edvard :up:
The movie Dolls that I linked ... is about 2 lovers who wander Japan for decades tied together by a rope
-MilesAhead (May 12, 2014, 03:28 PM)
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Japan is so foreign to westerners, the rest of Asia probably too...
Havent seen that move Miles, did get to see the intro, which is some kind of Japanese doll theatre, on YT:
Kabuki I guess is the term for the genre. What kicks my ass is the writer/director is Takeshi Kitano. Otherwise known as "Beat" Takeshi. He's a stand up comic who often plays a gangster in Yakuza films. Looking at the man's face you wouldn't suspect some of the work he produces.
One of his gangster films is an East/West merged flick called Brother. Tatyana Ali has a bit part as a party chick. Takeshi is really ruthless. But most of his gangster characters have no mercy. :)
One of Beat Takeshi's greatest films is Fireworks or Hana-bi. If you see it make sure it's not a butchered western cut. That film shows you where his head is at. A unique plot.
It's been awhile since I last watched Dolls. I think the doll sequences are interspersed. But I could be wrong. Also I forget the other vignettes. Kanno Miho stuck in my mind. She is very popular and does many TV shows as well as films. Everything from Tomi to Television. :) Esp. when she was younger she played many quirky characters. The American actress closest to that style was probably Rosanna Arquette. If you have a chance to see her work as a teen you should check it out. When she smiles it's all over. You are on her side right away. :)
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