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Are there any simple graphic editors?
Now I am really spoilt for choice! You folks are incredible. I'm just going to have to make a donation, I can see that now!
I've been playing around with some of these, and am back to the beginning with Screenshot Captor. Thing is, I want to use it at home on personal PC, and at work on company PC. "Free" is not a requirement at all, so I would want to pay for the one I use at work. How do I buy just one commercial license?
D'Oh! Message to self "Read the screen, Idjit." I found the answer right on the Home page.
i would go with gimp for pure functionality. it is stable, free and offers a tool set that does what you want. there are tutorials and lots of help if you want to learn how to take advantage of what it has to offer.
the seemingly simple paint programs didn't do even the simple tasks and give only frustration
You might already have something, if you own a printer or scanner. Check the disks that came with it for photo editing software. Many come with something simple & easy to use. If you get really lucky, you'll have one that came with a copy of Paintshop Pro. :) I know some Lexmark scanners came with a link to download a free copy of Paintshop Pro X.
What a lovely demo for Faststone Capture, Dirhael. Impressive.
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