Other Software > Developer's Corner
Ludum Dare 29: April 25-28 Weekend
Re this line from the writeup:
"I should have been working instead of playing." I think I disagree. If you work on a game and maybe you used those few minutes to fix something technical but suddenly discover at the end of the whole weekend that the result is miserably un-fun to actually play, to me that's the true heartbreak. Also I think playing *is* working because let's say as you are playing you suddenly discover that some aspect is really annoying, to me that's almost like a bug and then maybe you turn down the difficulty, or whatever. I peeked at a couple of older LD games from an earlier event, and I came across a few (that I didn't play) where people commented that the idea was cool but it turned out to be really hard.
Maybe there are some people who like their games tough, but if a game is so hard that I can't even get past the very early parts, I instantly lose interest. To me a more balanced game has a couple of really easy stages, a couple of "just easy" stages, a few medium ones, and then as it warms up it can pour on the difficulty. But if level 2 feels completely impossible, it's not my thing.
Something is misbehaving for me and I can't log into the LD site to comment. : (
I played the game and i thought it was very cool and fun. Great work!
But i *really* enjoyed the writeup more than anything :up: :up: :up:-mouser (April 30, 2014, 08:22 PM)
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Thank you very much! (FYI I've read over my blog post a few times since initially posting it and I've made various minor changes to help the flow/clarity of the thing. I've also added in a new bullet point in the "What went wrong" section.)
And at the end when I say thanks to great friends and family, you were one of the people I was specifically thinking of. Thanks for your support and encouragement, mouser. (c:
Re this line from the writeup:
"I should have been working instead of playing." I think I disagree. If you work on a game and maybe you used those few minutes to fix something technical but suddenly discover at the end of the whole weekend that the result is miserably un-fun to actually play, to me that's the true heartbreak. Also I think playing *is* working because let's say as you are playing you suddenly discover that some aspect is really annoying, to me that's almost like a bug and then maybe you turn down the difficulty, or whatever. I peeked at a couple of older LD games from an earlier event, and I came across a few (that I didn't play) where people commented that the idea was cool but it turned out to be really hard.
Maybe there are some people who like their games tough, but if a game is so hard that I can't even get past the very early parts, I instantly lose interest. To me a more balanced game has a couple of really easy stages, a couple of "just easy" stages, a few medium ones, and then as it warms up it can pour on the difficulty. But if level 2 feels completely impossible, it's not my thing.-TaoPhoenix (April 30, 2014, 10:33 PM)
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I see what you're saying, but what I meant was that obviously I felt the game was fun because I spent several minutes at a time playing around with it when I'd already tested the new changes I'd made. I think it's good to test and make sure the game is fun. But I'd already established that, and I let the "fun-ness" of it distract me from actually developing it because I was having too much fun playing it. I guess what I'm saying is that I spent too much time playing with it, when much of that time could have been put to better use actually developing the game instead.
Something is misbehaving for me and I can't log into the LD site to comment. : (-TaoPhoenix (April 30, 2014, 10:51 PM)
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I'm not sure if this is the problem you're encountering, but the link under the top banner image pretty much always says "Login" even if you're already logged in. The way to know for sure if you're logged in is if you see the WordPress toolbar on the top of the page.
Here's an image to illustrate what I mean (it's kind of wide, so be sure to scroll to the right to see the whole thing):
Ludum Dare 29: April 25-28 Weekend
Love the game :Thmbsup:
and the blog post:
The game isn’t actually a game. It’s more of a toy. There’s no way to lose and there’s no way to win. You just play. But on the plus side, at least it’s fun.
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it's great fun to play - I dont see why a game has to have those other aspects (?)
I wouldnt mind some board games like that: "no way to lose and ... no way to win"), would make playing against my niece (and some adults I know, a lot easier).
Thanks, Tomos. (c:
I guess you wouldn't know it since I listed it as a con, but I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing that a game is actually a toy. There are a number of videogames that are more like toys, where you just have fun playing with something rather than having a set goal or win/lose conditions. A lot of "sandbox" games have goals and conditions, but people just enjoy being able to do whatever they want with the mechanics.
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