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Multi-monitor Logon Wallpaper
I wrote a small utility that lets you set up different wallpapers on each screen for the logon screen.
You can download it here: Multi-monitor Logon Wallpaper and you can browse the source code or report a bug/feature request.
PS: you can enter 0 in the price field, in case you haven't noticed.
nice work, scancode! giving it a try now.. :up:
nice work, scancode! giving it a try now.. :up:
-lanux128 (April 27, 2014, 11:17 AM)
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Just found out it's not working on first boot but it's working on the lockscreen (Win8.1u1 x64) -- can you confirm if it's loading on boot for you?
Nevermind, I was running an extremely old build for some strange reason.
Also, got rid of Gumroad for downloads, it's now set up for donations only.
There's a direct download link now in its place.
sorry scancode, i had downloaded but had not the chance to try it out yet. busy fumbling with other stuff atm. :D
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