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IDEA: Windows desktop productivity tool

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This is very cool. What API are you using to refresh the desktop if you don't mind?

This is very cool. What API are you using to refresh the desktop if you don't mind?-c.gingerich (April 18, 2014, 06:55 PM)
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SHSetFolderPath to change the path and SHChangeNotify to refresh the desktop.  If you tried it, did the app work for you?

Here's an alpha build:


* Right-click the tray icon and choose the "Edit desktop paths" entry to add your own folder paths.
* One folder path per line.
* Add a blank line to put a separator in the menu.
* Click save and then right-click the menu again.
* Your configured paths should now be in the menu.
* Choose one to switch your desktop icons to the path selected.
Some notes:

* Obviously, this is still mostly a proof-of-concept.  Stuff should work, mostly work, or not work at all.   :P
* No validity checking of those folders paths is currently performed.  Make sure they're valid.
* When the program is first run, it saves the current desktop path and adds that path at the top of the menu.  This way, you should be able to easily go back to your default desktop path at any time.
* No icon position saving.  I'm really really NOT interested in adding this functionality.
Tested on W7/64.  If anybody tries this, please let me know how it works (or doesn't) for you.  Please include your OS as well.
-skwire (April 18, 2014, 06:20 PM)
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I dont have autohotkey installed.. i just fast tested your app and works nice on windows 8.1..I'm really excited about this :)..   more feedback tomorrow i need to sleep right now :P 

PS(although some shortcuts of the desktop remain on the desktop after i choose another folder from your app,  i don't know what this is maybe i'll just delete them :P)

PS(although some shortcuts of the desktop remain on the desktop after i choose another folder from your app-Stef (April 18, 2014, 10:19 PM)
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Those are probably shortcuts from the "All Users" desktop.

I have and it worked great. Windows 8.1 x64


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