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IDEA: Windows desktop productivity tool

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Skwire has the switching under control.  If your Windows is 32 bit this old Icon Position Save/Restore I did years ago may still work.  Simce it's a shell extension for 32 bit it won't work on x64.  Also it's not tested on multimonitor.
-MilesAhead (April 18, 2014, 09:45 AM)
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Hmm yeap, i think something like thi one solves the problem of the unexpected moving icons.. & in combination with the upcoming Skwire's tool i'll be sooooo cool
Unfortunately i'm on a x64 PC , but i think there are many similar tools out there.. 

Guys Thank you again sooo much for your efford here, If this tool works as i expect i'm willing to make the graphics/ logo and everything to spread it as a "Pro" tool, and some gifts to you like my upcoming windows phone/android/ios  game
(this tool will help me work better and faster after all :) )


Hmm yeap, i think something like thi one solves the problem of the unexpected moving icons.. & in combination with the upcoming Skwire's tool i'll be sooooo cool
Unfortunately i'm on a x64 PC , but i think there are many similar tools out there.. 

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Yeah.  Most adapted Jeffrey Richter's code same as I did.  I would look for one that computes the positions as percentages of the resolution.  That way you are not forced to do a save for each screen resolution.  At least that technique should work going from low to high res as long as the aspect is roughly the same.

I got so fed up with desktop icons I reduced them to 3.  A folder that acts as a Toolbar.  Recycle Bin, and one for the volume mixer.  All the rest are in the toolbar/folder.  It saves a lot of grief.  I could replace the Volume Mixer shortcut with a hotkey.  But I write so many hotkey utilities I have trouble remembering all the key combinations.  :)

Stef, do you have AutoHotkey installed?

Here's an alpha build:


* Right-click the tray icon and choose the "Edit desktop paths" entry to add your own folder paths.
* One folder path per line.
* Add a blank line to put a separator in the menu.
* Click save and then right-click the menu again.
* Your configured paths should now be in the menu.
* Choose one to switch your desktop icons to the path selected.
Some notes:

* Obviously, this is still mostly a proof-of-concept.  Stuff should work, mostly work, or not work at all.   :P
* No validity checking of those folders paths is currently performed.  Make sure they're valid.
* When the program is first run, it saves the current desktop path and adds that path at the top of the menu.  This way, you should be able to easily go back to your default desktop path at any time.
* No icon position saving.  I'm really really NOT interested in adding this functionality.
Tested on W7/64.  If anybody tries this, please let me know how it works (or doesn't) for you.  Please include your OS as well.


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