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To All Who've Responded To The Group Policy Editor Error Message: Thank you all for responding. I'm basically going to play Chicken with this one. Since Group Policy Editor is not native to Home Premium, and since I've been steered to an alternative approach by tomos that works without risking anything, I'll take the safe way out and leave well enough alone. And, I sincerely appreciate that everyone was so eager to help me out with this one. :)
since I've been steered to an alternative approach by tomos that works without risking anything, I'll take the safe way out and leave well enough alone.
-BearPup7 (April 10, 2014, 02:11 PM)
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That proves you're smarter than most people! ;D :Thmbsup:
Good luck! 8)
Thanks 40hz. And my thanks (again) to all who've helped me solve the problem. I've posted this thread on a number of help forums over the past week, and you are the people who came up with The Answer - an answer I'm spreading to all the sites I've posted the question on, with full credit back here. Well deserved credit :Thmbsup:!
+1! :Thmbsup: Words of wisdom.
-40hz (April 10, 2014, 01:53 PM)
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And I only had to learn the hard way once. In my defense, I was teaching myself group policy while setting up my first Server 2003 AD domain on a tight deadline and as a 1 man IT shop. And this was in a test environment I setup to learn on. Thank God for O'Reilly books.
Also, my friend the Exchange Server guru.
+1! :Thmbsup: Words of wisdom.
-40hz (April 10, 2014, 01:53 PM)
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And I only had to learn the hard way once. In my defense, I was teaching myself group policy while setting up my first Server 2003 AD domain on a tight deadline and as a 1 man IT shop. And this was in a test environment I setup to learn on. Thank God for O'Reilly books.
Also, my friend the Exchange Server guru.
-Vurbal (April 10, 2014, 07:57 PM)
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Muy macho! I like!
No need to defend yourself. On the server/enterprise level you're expected to create and/or make changes to the default GPOs. And you're given the tools and docs to do so.
On the desktop level, unless you're messing with policies to block some annoying program from doing something - or curing some truly oddball thing from happening - it's generally best to leave the default GPOs alone. And the simple fact that Microsoft doesn't provide the necessary tools for messing with policies on the home version of Windows sends a pretty clear message you're better off leaving well enough alone in that environment.
Or so I think anyway. ;D
And +1 on the O'Reilly books, along with most of the Microsoft Press Inside Out titles - and anything server that's written by Mark Minasi and his cohorts over at Sybex. When it comes to Microsoft technologies, these guys are champs.
For Linux it's a lot easier. Almost everything you'll ever need can be learned using only three books. This, this, and this.
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