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Micro-review: Scapple
Oh... not looking for mind mappers. More help in plotting and structure. Which is the reason that Scapple and Tinderbox rule. They are supposed to have the windows version out soon... so I might get it after NANY if I actually make it this year again. Storyspace is another one that looks good, but is terribly expensive.
I wouldn't call VUE and CMapTools mind mappers. I'd put them in the same category as Scapple, as they use free-floating nodes, and nodes can be linked to any other node but don't have to be.
That's quite different from mind mappers such as XMind, Freeplane etc., which force you to have a central node from which every other node follows (i.e. a hierarchical tree) and has to be linked to.
^ I never said that they were. :)
Sorry, wraith808, I must have misunderstood you then. :)
Anyway, the reason I brought the concept mappers up was because superboyac said he was looking for something like that for a long time. I've tried Scapple a couple of times but it didn't manage to tempt me away from VUE. But it could be that I've just got too used to VUE's quirks...
"Sorry, wraith808, I must have misunderstood you then. smiley"
No, please, it's the other way round: Your mentioning of "VUE (which I prefer) and CmapTools" was more than adequate since Scapple
(I wrote of its sub-standard import/export features in some other forum, but was reprimanded to look at these missing features in light of its more than generous price, which I totally acknowlege, whilst on the other hand being willing to pay a little bit more ;-) if import/export features were amended)
is right on spot, since either of those, is NOT a "mind map" (i.e. hierarchical-only) tool, and that "free-form" style cannot be over-estimated: Anybody who ever tried to do visually-assisted thinking with some mind-map tool will be deeply in love with Scapple and any other such non-straight-outlining tool.
BUT THEN, would you be so kind as to give as some "mini-review" or similar, WHY you prefer VUE or CmapTools? You seem to have some experience with both, and after all, that's something quite better than to just look at some screenshots, as most of us here will probably have done, so your sharing your experience with both, and especially in comparison with Scapple (i.e. exluding Scapple's import/export, that's a given fact for now), would be highly informative for many dc'lers, myself included.
Let's banish careless "which I prefer" remarks: Kindly ask for giving reasons, so that other users/prospects won't have to go all those trialling voyages again and again, every one of them on his own?
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