News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
GS-Base Mini-Review
I plan on doing a review of GS-Calc soon. I started looking at that, and was just as impressed. Just pressed for time currently.
Another addendum... I've been using GS-Base (now up to version 13.3) for a small variety of things -- from interrogating multi-gigabyte xbase tables to designing a replacement for a userID and password generator that I originally wrote for my old and now long-dead Psion and although I've got a few minor niggles with the user interface, the author's extremely helpful and responsive -- he fixed a couple of bugs I encountered with large tables within hours of me reporting them -- and, as wraith808 says above, you just don't find this level of functionality in a database even for $20.
It's not a "proper" relational database. However, you can build links between tables in a way that allows you to replicate quite a lot of the functionality you're likely to want, and the sheer speed of it compared to my (yes, I know) aging copy of Lotus Approach coupled with the fact that it's actively supported has to mean it's worth me migrating my various weird databasey bits into it.
So far, I've only tried the portable form on a reasonably beefy 64-bit Windows 7 machine, but I suspect it'll still be fast and functional on more limited systems -- I'll experiment and try to remember to report back. ;)
Oh yeah; and the installer is under 2Mb. That's Two Megabytes. For a full-featured database application.
Can you tell I think it's pretty darn good?
Heads up: This is on BDJ again today, priced @ US$9.95 (usually $19.95).
About 7 hours left (might be extended?).
Go to:
I decided to buy it for trial, after reading the BDJ notes and this review.
I wondered whether it could be a useful PIM for my purposes, so shall suck-it-and-see.
Steven Avery:
It was there today. An another 1/2 hour. Looks good, more robust than Listpro, some similar advantages.
I just now applied for registration on the discussion forum at Citadel5.
With my eyesight I generally need a pair of specs to read books and a different pair of specs (with a different depth of field) to read laptop screens.
However, when submitting the registration request, I found the Citadel5 discussion forum's security code image sooo hard to distinguish that I began to think that I must have a major eyesight problem if most people could read it OK. :o
These security images are intended to filter out spam bots, the theory being that only bona fide real people can read them, but I began to wonder whether in fact the filter was designed to ensure that only aliens with weird eyesight that saw things in a different wavelength to humans got through.
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