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NIX: KDE anyone? First thoughts.

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Tried the RC for Linux Mint 17 KDE, 40hz?
-ewemoa (June 11, 2014, 02:30 AM)
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Probably won't either. If I were to go over to another WM it would either be Xfce or Openbox. Those are what I run on my "traveling" laptops.

It's been to long for me to remember any of this, but what I vaguely recall was just that it was just different enough from Good ol' Win XP that it was annoying me. Specifically the right click menu options felt strange. Prob MS has some kind of patent on what 12 commands can be in a menu or whatever, but it slowed me down. It would possibly be like trying to learn driving in Britain - lots of people do their thing quite nicely, but darn I'm not good enough of a driver to have THAT reflex messed with!

And because I was only just dabbling with a cheap box from best buy, I never really got going with any of the apps. Then one day uBuntu dropped a key driver between editions that hosed the box for all future Ubuntu distros up to however far I got. I did find a sub-sub distro with the driver back, but around then I was just growing tired of it all.

If I were to go over to another WM it would either be Xfce or Openbox.
-40hz (June 12, 2014, 06:40 PM)
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The main drawback to me about many of the existing options is the key sequence collisions and what trouble is involved in minimizing such things.  I've been using fluxbox as it was relatively easy to become collision-free by changing ~/.fluxbox/keys to use the Mod4 modifier (Windows key here).  The result is that window management here makes use of the Windows key, and other things don't (at least for the most part).

full-disclosure...Gothi[c] also hacks on fluxbox so that seems a plus :)

I like XFCE but I haven't figured out an easy way (yet?) to achieve a similar small-number-of-collisions end.  I tried Openbox for a while but had difficulty in working with the switching among and control individual windows functionality that typically is available via taskbar-ish UIs (this was after trying a variety of 3rd party "panels").

Xfce Settings -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts

NIX: KDE anyone? First thoughts.

NIX: KDE anyone? First thoughts.


I hope you were joking -- is that not quite a lot of point of clicking you have to do (to be comprehensive)?  FWIW, I have looked there before :)


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