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Opera 12 and Facebook: a disaster now
Hi all.
I use the browser Opera 12.16 and my Internet works fine, as usual, but in the last weeks Facebook is a disaster. Sometimes it is almost frozen.
When I enter in a Facebook page, the browser shows the usual messages like "Request sent to... Receiving data from... Sending to..." but those messages don't appear once only, they appear again and again, many times, cyclically, almost endlessly.
Sometimes the page doesn't appear, the screen is blank, sometimes I see everything but images. The little "wheel" of the browser sometimes turns turns turns endlessly...
All the messages refer to servers of Facebook, therefore the culprit should not be a malware/spyware that tries to bring me elsewhere.
I have done every kind of control, even by Hijackthis and OTL, and my PC is clean.
Some days ago I emptied the cache of the browser (I never needed to do it) and the situation seemed solved, but within a few time the issue appeared again.
What's happened?
P.S.= I have tried other browsers and Facebook works fine. Therefore the matter really concerns Opera 12.16 and Facebook
I'd check out the Opera forums. Opera is up to 20.something now, so might be solved with an update?
update your flash etc
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