Other Software > Developer's Corner
PMOG: The story behind the rise and fall of GameLayers, Inc.
or: How to lose almost everything developing a browser toolbar game and live to tell about it.
I played PMOG a bit during it's heyday, and I must say it was pretty fun at times, when you would run into a fellow PMOG'r on a random website, or go to some obscure blog and get mined, or find some cool new website while completing a Mission. It added a new dimension to your surfing, made it more engaging and random than simply clicking on the next link like a monkey hitting the biscuit lever. I was sad to see it go, and now a bit wiser having read the behind-the-scenes cautionary tale.
A Story of GameLayers, Inc.
Making online social games 2007-2009
by Justin Hall
Between 2007 and 2009 GameLayers made a multiplayer game across all the content of the internet.
I was the CEO of GameLayers and one of three co-founders. Here I'll share lessons and data from this online social game startup. This Story of GameLayers covers prototyping, fund raising, company building, strategic shifting, winding down and moving on.
--- End quote ---
from Umm... I forget
Crazy story. That's a lot to gain and lose. I wonder if it was all worth it to him.
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