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jv16 PowerTools - using Indiegogo to 'fund'' open-sourcing it

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It's more a political or philosophical thing. It's not a business model.
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Not true. GNU says exactly opposite, they don't mind selling the software copies or raising funds for the software. If selling is allowed then it is business model too.

What I find shady here is that registry editors have pricetag of 100K for development? If that is the case then we have many softwares hosted here that could make people into 6 figures.

Maybe they set the goal so high because they dont want to reach it?

It's more a political or philosophical thing. It's not a business model.
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Not true. GNU says exactly opposite, they don't mind selling the software copies or raising funds for the software. If selling is allowed then it is business model too.
-mahesh2k (March 14, 2014, 01:52 AM)
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I think we have very different definitions of what constitutes a business model. ;D Suggesting and encouraging developers to 'charge something somehow' is not the same thing as having a business model.

Using the FOSS development philosophy can be an element in a business strategy. But that's not the same thing as being a model for conducting business - even though there have been numerous attempts to come up with business models that capitalize on using the GPL as part of their overall strategy.

Note: The best formal analysis I've ever seen for the "open software" development process was by a guy called Benkler who came up with the term "commons-based peer production." It's an interesting idea that gets into the whole concept of 'emergence' as it applies to economics. It's all rather fascinating to read and think about.

The jury is still out as to whether this process marks the start of a 'sea change' in economics as opposed to being merely a temporary phenomenon. But only time will tell.  8) :Thmbsup:

Maybe they set the goal so high because they dont want to reach it?
-tomos (March 14, 2014, 03:24 AM)
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I hope not. Because I'd consider that an attempt to game or co-opt the system - much like Canonical's ludicrous $32 million IndieGoGo campaign for the Ubuntu Edge smartphone was.

Although Kickstarter often gets criticized for how strict and arbitrary its rules sometimes seem, at least it make it tougher for less than ethical people to play games with it.

Maybe they set the goal so high because they dont want to reach it?
-tomos (March 14, 2014, 03:24 AM)
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I hope not. Because I'd consider that an attempt to game or co-opt the system - much like Canonical's ludicrous $32 million IndieGoGo campaign for the Ubuntu Edge smartphone was.

Although Kickstarter often gets criticized for how strict and arbitrary its rules sometimes seem, at least it make it tougher for less than ethical people to play games with it.

-40hz (March 14, 2014, 03:55 AM)
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And that's the reason I don't back flexible funding projects.


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