Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Blank full-screen background, solid movable circle replacing cursor
I'm trying to create an exercise to help with learning to read. Presently all I need is what's in the subject:
Blank full-screen background, solid movable circle replacing cursor.
Ideally allow user to:
-- adjust color of background
-- adjust color of solid circle
-- adjust size of solid circle
To clarify, solid circle replaces cursor, and moves around on the background just as a cursor would.
Hopefully parameters can be saved (an .ini file) so that when user double-clicks a shortcut the program opens with those parameters as default.
Quit program with, say, esc key. Or standard windows x in upper right-hand corner.
As always, if someone knows of such a program already in existence, please let me know.
Thanks much.
Nicholas Kormanik
I'm not a programmer, but if I were do any of you have a suggestion as to which programming language I might use to accomplish what I've set out above?
Not exactly what you're asking, but Clearly (with Firefox and Chrome add-ons) helps you manipulate the background and text size of web pages, and Line Reader provides a line by the cursor to lead the eye.
Thanks dr_andus. Looking for eye exercise in the present case. I'll use a macro program to move the solid circle around on the screen, at various speeds.
One would think it would be easy to program what I've asked for above. But maybe not.
One would think it would be easy to program what I've asked for above. But maybe not.
-nkormanik (March 16, 2014, 05:11 AM)
--- End quote ---
I think it is easy to program ... depending on the language!
I lost track if you are a programmer or not ... if not and if you didn't feel like you wanted to make it a project, give any college kid in a Comp Sci class a pizza and he'd be done with the program with slices to spare. Then since it's real code and not a painfully brittle macro, who knows, you could repurpose it to something else later!
Just for discussion value, I was doing stuff like that in 1986! (Heh but nothing ever since!) The breakthrough: while game coding was notoriously tough at the time for children on the Apple IIE and the Mac, the Commodore 128 specially added some twenty "easy-game" commands!
So I bet one of the hotshots here can whip it up in under 50 lines of code in something.
Friendly joke:
"Blank full-screen background, solid movable circle replacing cursor."
Why not just play lots of Pacman?
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