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Directory Opus 11 Released!
Still giant. :/
^Turn em off ;-) or buy something else - or customise them to whatever *you* want.
Yes, I understand that major releases do not occur often. That said, the typical period of upgrades between major revisions in the software industry is within the last year. A whopping three months for a free upgrade to V11 leaves me with a very sour taste in my mouth given that I was not privy to many of those "updates" since DO10 was put out.
-Josh (March 04, 2014, 10:48 AM)
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I have to admit I'm not exactly a fan of having only a small window of upgrade pricing, hence why I replied to that particular post (and not the one above).
I felt a need to mention that major versions isn't released often due to the "....into a product I have already invested 80 bucks into just shy of a year ago".
I prefer to take my time upgrading software, although some I tend to upgrade immediately due to earlier positive experience (it might not always be wise, but).
For me, DOpus is and has been in that category.
Btw, new releases and betas are listed/published here.
I never personally saw the need for something with as many bells and whistles as Directory Opus. But I'm fairly organized up front, so I seldom need to move things around or go searching much once I save something to my drives. Still... if you really do need something like this I guess it's worth the money. 8)
I'm still on 9. I love DO. I just can't justify the price that often. It was the same with SlickEdit.
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