Software > Screenshot Captor
How to cature the Quick Capture Bar?
How do I capture the Quick Capture Bar?
I disabled in Preferences
Base Capturing->Capture options->Hide Screenshot Capture window
but it didn't help
How else can I capture the Quick Capture Bar?
the quick capture bar was added recently, and i didn't think to obey the option to stay on screen -- i could enable it -- though honestly how often does one want to capture an image of it?
How else can I capture the Quick Capture Bar?
-pstein (March 01, 2014, 04:31 AM)
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If you need quick-capture-bar-pictures, you can use the pictures from
though honestly how often does one want to capture an image of it?
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Possibly to show someone else how your Quick-Bar setup is arranged.
To take a shot of the Quick Capture Bar, just use a different Screenshot Capture program. Seems to be the easiest solution to me.
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