News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Atom - A new editor is born
Ten weeks ago we debuted Atom, the new text editor that's deeply programmable but also easy to use. Starting today, Atom is available for download to everyone–completely free and open source.
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... still only for Mac though.
... still only for Mac though
-Jibz (May 06, 2014, 11:17 AM)
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You can build it for Windows, with the instructions available, but that only confirms the 'hackable' feature, imho :-[
What I want in an editor:
Rectangular/column/block edit mode
Bookmark lines with a regex search and manipulate bookmarks (invert, blank lines, etc.)
Perform actions on bookmarked lines (copy, delete, move, etc)
Automatic incremental block fill (select block and fill/insert with 001, 002, 003, etc.)
Currently only TextPad 5 and Notepad++ have delivered. Now that I'm full-time Linux, only Geany has come close, but it only has block editing. Scite's block editing is... not. I tried Sublime text and it can do all that and more, but I can name fistfuls of things that 70 bucks is better spent on at this point in my life. If Atom can do what I want, maybe I'll try building it for Linux. * Edvard downloads
*EDIT*: Wow, lots of NodeJS dependencies... I'm feeling sketchy, but I'll report back...
Failed miserably. Posted a build report on the discussion page, as I have no idea what's going on from the error log.
Lots of discussion going on now, with others getting it to run and yours truly eating dirt. :(
If anyone here has built it successfully, or would like to try, let's put our heads together and get this done.
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