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My pop/imap Android experience
gmail's imap thingie is a pain in the soft tissue. I use pop3 instead, but use the "recent" trick to make it work with multiple devices.
enter your user name as follows:
recent:[email protected]
This is handy.
-eleman (February 25, 2014, 10:30 AM)
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This is interesting!
What is 'recent mode?'
If you're accessing Gmail on multiple clients through POP, Gmail's 'recent mode' makes sure that all messages are made available to each client, rather than only to the first client to access new mail.
Recent mode fetches the last 30 days of mail, regardless of whether it's been sent to another POP client already.
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I should probably give this a shot. But 40 is using imap without a problem. Now here's another thing:
I can use imap on my phone, but the Bat is not that great with imap, so should I even bother? because for sure I'm going to use pop for the Bat. Maybe that is what's causing problems, that my phone is using imap, but the Bat is using pop. The only reason why I say this is because all these problems seem to have cropped up once i changed K9 to use imap, whereas previously it was configured for pop.
Just curious, since it seems you've already got your mail in gmail, what does the gmail client app lack that K9 is giving you?
-CWuestefeld (February 25, 2014, 03:44 PM)
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Local message folder storage and offline capabilities.
Of the two, local data storage is probably the most important considering Google's record for abrupt terminations of product offerings and the frequent changes made to their TOS.
I doubt Google would play games with something as established and major as GMail. But you never know when it comes to Google.
-40hz (February 26, 2014, 08:39 AM)
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I don't really even care if the GMail app has all the features I want or need because Android's sync model makes it a non-starter for me. Until getting my new tablet I hadn't used Android (or any mobile OS) for a couple years but I'm sure my old phone (running 2.2.2 or 2.2.3) gave me a lot more granular control over sync operations. On my Samsung tablet (running 4.2.2) the only options are to either sync everything related to my Google account or nothing. Naturally I choose nothing.
Once I get it rooted I'm sure I could address the issue. Just being able to uninstall OEM apps like Chrome would probably take care of most of it. The thing is, if Google can't be bothered to design their software to be less invasive than a TSA body cavity search I can't be bothered to use it.
That's without even addressing the many reasons I avoid relying on the company to handle my data from end to end. I trust Google (or any other provider) only to the extent I believe their interests are aligned with mine. There's plenty of room to debate where the boundaries are, but no question which side a phone or tablet falls.
gmail's imap thingie is a pain in the soft tissue. I use pop3 instead, but use the "recent" trick to make it work with multiple devices.
enter your user name as follows:
recent:[email protected]
This is handy.
-eleman (February 25, 2014, 10:30 AM)
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This is interesting!
What is 'recent mode?'
If you're accessing Gmail on multiple clients through POP, Gmail's 'recent mode' makes sure that all messages are made available to each client, rather than only to the first client to access new mail.
Recent mode fetches the last 30 days of mail, regardless of whether it's been sent to another POP client already.
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I should probably give this a shot. But 40 is using imap without a problem. Now here's another thing:
I can use imap on my phone, but the Bat is not that great with imap, so should I even bother? because for sure I'm going to use pop for the Bat. Maybe that is what's causing problems, that my phone is using imap, but the Bat is using pop. The only reason why I say this is because all these problems seem to have cropped up once i changed K9 to use imap, whereas previously it was configured for pop.
-superboyac (February 26, 2014, 09:18 AM)
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Just for reference here's a screenshot of my IMAP settings.
If your settings seem fine your best bet may be to blow them away entirely (you may want to export them from the main screen first) and set it up from scratch as a new account. In my experience not only is that usually the fastest solution (with any email client, not just K9), but sometimes it's the only thing that works.
On a side note my one complaint about K9 is its lack of built-in settings for major email providers. That's a pretty standard feature for email clients today. Sometimes the problem with power users is we often have a tendency to do things the hard way just because we can.
@SB- I've never mixed using POP and IMAP protocols for the same email account. I don't think it should make a difference (other than anything sent from POP won't replicate on the email server since POP is essentially a one-way street) ...but again I've never done that.
FWIW, the settings I'm using for GMail are as follows. They're pretty generic.:
ID & password same as always. (i.e. {name}
Inbound server = | SSL/TLS | Authentication=Normal Password | Port = 993
Outbound server = | SSL/TLS | Authentication=Normal Password / Port = 465
I understand & also work as the server names.
See anything different from your settings? :o
I've never mixed and matched POP with IMAP for the same email account. I don't think it should make a difference...but again I've never done that.
-40hz (February 26, 2014, 11:32 AM)
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It is an interesting question. It seems like a rare enough circumstance to cause unforeseen problems.
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