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Rather odd Firefox hyperlinking error from duckgo search results.


I ran a search in duckduckgo for"error code is 0x80072EE7" (without the quotes).
The 1st result is copied below:
Error Code 0x80072EE7 - Microsoft Community
Error Code 0x80072EE7 - Microsoft Community
Error Code 0x80072EE7 MR. Mr.Al asked on June 5, 2009. Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #17 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #32 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #37 Microsoft ... /en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-hardwar...

If I click either of the links in Firefox, I get this error message page:
We are sorry...

The page you requested is not available at this time.

You can try the following:

    Search Microsoft Community
    Go to the Microsoft Community home page

--- End quote ---

This is consistently repeatable.
If I copy just the location of either of the links, and then paste that into the URL bar, FF takes me to the correct page every time.

If I run the same duckduckgo search in Chromium, I cannot repeat this error - it works fine.
If I click on the pasted links in this post, in FF, it works just fine.

So what is the duckgo search result panel (or its script?) doing to send FF to the wrong page?
This is happening a lot, but seems to only occur with searches linking to microsoft sites, where FF always goes to the above error message page.

Data point:
I use ddg in pale moon browser, and I get the same first result as you, and it works fine.

Try ff "safe mode" to see if you are running an extension or greasemonkey script that's fouling things.

Data point:
I use ddg in pale moon browser, and I get the same first result as you, and it works fine.
Try ff "safe mode" to see if you are running an extension or greasemonkey script that's fouling things.
-ayryq (March 19, 2016, 07:10 AM)
--- End quote ---
Thanks. Good suggestion.
Coincidentally, I ran this same search today on a different laptop, with the same FF configuration (including addons) but with NO Greasemonkey scripts running, and it worked just fine. So it looks like it might be a script problem. I shall return to the original laptop and try to identify by a process of script elimination (by disabling them in groups and smaller subgroups of a half), whether it is a script and, if so, then which one is doing this.
Hope that makes sense.

[Oops, wrong search engine! Org post deleted]


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