Software > Post New Requests Here
REQ: HTPC Util - Move tv shows older than 24 hours to external HD
RegEx can be daunting, for sure, so I'm happy to help with some examples to get you started. Just say the word... :)
-skwire (February 22, 2014, 06:11 PM)
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regex is so daunting that even when i tried the tool to make it easy, like regex buddy or magic, i still couldn't do it. lol!!
The key to understanding regex is realizing they are 20% knowledge, 70% experience (including, but not limited to your own), and 10% voodoo - except when they are 100% impossible. Unfortunately determining which formula applies is, in many cases, pure guess work.
I'm going to work on this screencast right now. Stay tuned.
The key to understanding regex is realizing they are 20% knowledge, 70% experience (including, but not limited to your own), and 10% voodoo - except when they are 100% impossible. Unfortunately determining which formula applies is, in many cases, pure guess work.-Vurbal (February 23, 2014, 01:14 PM)
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I currently work on the ratios of: 60% Search, 40% Voodoo = 100% WTF :huh:
See if this screencast helps to explain things a bit:
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