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trying to combine antiviruses and firewalls

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Ejem. I tried deactivate avast, but i can't .
Now i don't have internet connection.....
i am trying to recover the properties of the area local connection.
only Microsoft net client appear.
so i click install
and as a miracle appear all the rest of the options. ....
So i have recovered internet connection.

The problem identified with outpost is that the service is not ready.
So i can't run

What can i do now ?

I have uninstall Outpost and seems all is back to normality.

So I would like antivirus compatible with Avast, and even with the firewall in team.

Do you know any explicit link ?


So I would like antivirus compatible with Avast, and even with the firewall in team.-Contro (February 17, 2014, 05:48 PM)
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You already have an anti-virus program, how many do you actually want?

Just get a firewall, eg. the free version of Windows 8 Firewall Control.

So I would like antivirus compatible with Avast, and even with the firewall in team.-Contro (February 17, 2014, 05:48 PM)
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You already have an anti-virus program, how many do you actually want?

Just get a firewall, eg. the free version of Windows 8 Firewall Control.
-4wd (February 17, 2014, 11:03 PM)
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I have windows 7 only . And xp in virtual machines, but don't use antivirus in the virtual machines.
I would like at least seven desktop second opinions antivirus

I have now
malwarebytes antimalware
s&d spybot


It would be much easier, and less time consuming for everyone, if you just loaded a suite where all the components are coded to work with each other.

Otherwise, even if you find a combination of products that works together now, there's no guarantee they will continue to do so after the next upgrade. I ran into that myself a few years ago with Comodo and Avira. That combination always worked well for me - until one day it suddenly didn't.

Mixing realtime security apps is more trouble than it's worth - unless you're doing it for a school project. Or to satisfy your own curiosity.

Otherwise, install a decent all-in-one suite and be done with it.  8)  


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