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What Google Plus is all about

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A fascinating article in today's NY Times explains why Google is trying to force everyone to join Google Plus and Hangouts, even though the company has no interest in competing with Facebook as a social media site and is perfectly content to be derided as an also-ran in that area.

Needless to say, it ain't out of the goodness of Sergey and Larry's hearts.

Google Plus, the company’s social network, is like a ghost town
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First sentence being false makes me not want to read the rest. I have only ~200 friends and member of a handful of communities and there is lots going on.

Also, even if ignoring my previous sentence .... it may not be as big as facebook but nothing is.

First sentence being false makes me not want to read the rest.-rgdot (February 15, 2014, 09:41 AM)
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Maybe the NY Times writer has no friends? :)

Google Plus, the company’s social network, is like a ghost town
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First sentence being false makes me not want to read the rest. I have only ~200 friends and member of a handful of communities and there is lots going on.
-rgdot (February 15, 2014, 09:41 AM)
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My personal experience is also that there is a lot going on. So much in fact, I should probably turn down the volume of some of my circles, because I can't keep up.

I think if you include the rest of the paragraph, he perhaps does make some sense:

Google Plus, the company’s social network, is like a ghost town. Want to see your old roommate’s baby or post your vacation status? Chances are, you’ll use Facebook instead.
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The thing is, I find these kind of facebook updates (which is all I am seing on facebook) to be horrible. On G+ I have found new and engaging people and content, on facebook I have found duckface selfies and "Took the kids to socker practice" posts.

But I know a lot of people are interested in the stuff that facebook offers them, and those people will stick to it, and to them G+ could seem like a "ghost town", in the sense that their family and friends aren't there (yet).

Their bat, their ball, their ballpark - therefore their rules.

Don't [like/want/need] it?

Don't play. Go elsewhere. 8)


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