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PC Audio Enhancers

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6. SoundPimp:

7. ProfoundSound CSharp:

Thanks Nzyme, useful to me. Do you have a preference or recommendation ... most of the reviews I've googled are self serving.

Thanks Nzyme, useful to me. Do you have a preference or recommendation ... most of the reviews I've googled are self serving.
-tsaint (February 16, 2014, 02:12 AM)
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I personally used DPS and found it to amplify all frequencies (including noise) but overall it was good. You even have the profile browser in it.

From the ones I heard, I liked Soundpimp the best. However it comes at a cost of 52 USD last time I checked.

DFX is also good, this one I am currently trialling. This one is a lot cheaper and its a simple interface works for me.

Now if you have lots of time and money on your hands:

More time than money? Try these:  Sound amplification ( scroll a bit down for the post that is marked as the answer. This post contains links to a website with very interesting software and commercial virtual cable software.  You could use this free/donationware alternative virtual cable software.


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