Many thanks for the suggestions. I forgot to subscribe to this thread or I would have replied earlier.
Chip Genius I had already tried, but couldn't find proper PID/VID info. I later read that those values can be over written as part of the process of creating this odd setup, so I gave up on that.
I tried GPartEd Parted and GPartMagic - none of them could see the CD based partition, likely because it identified as a CD which of course can't be partitioned.
The RodsBooks link was an interesting read, but I do not have an easily accessible linux machine to use, nor do I have the chops to know what I'm doing even if I did.
I tried several programs that promised to wipe the Partition Table, but in fact were not able to.
Not all is lost though. I have previously used a tool called Rufus, which is used to prep a USB stick to install and boot from a USB stick. It is the only program I have found that sees the device as the full 8g capacity. I am currently oprepping it now and have higher than reasonable hopes that it will be that easy

There was another program I downloaded yesterday as well, that I haven't had a go with yet, called Kill Disk Suite, and it advertises it's ability to wipe and reinitialize the partition table.
I'll report back on which if either of these works.
Cheers and thanks again for the fantastic response!