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HotSwap! A very cool free utility that most if you don't need
Not having much luck getting through to the site for HotSwap.-ewemoa (February 13, 2014, 11:00 PM)
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I am getting through without any delay.
HotSwap! has not been updated since June 2012, and USB-SR not since March 2013
- can one only assume maintenance? :tellme:
Thanks for the feedback -- still no luck here though.
I checked via and they seem to get through from 17 locations (if IIUC). So it looks like some problem on my end.
I can see their content via startpage's proxy feature.
HotSwap! has not been updated since June 2012, and USB-SR not since March 2013
- can one only assume maintenance? :tellme:-Curt (February 14, 2014, 02:57 AM)
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Can't speak for HotSwap!, but USB Safely Remove is only updated once per year, if that. The developer spends all his time on Zentimo, USB-SR's bigger brother and all new features will be put into Zentimo. However, it seems that these programs only have a certain, logical scope so I'm sure he's running out of features he can implement without bloat starting to creep in as he starts putting in features that are beyond the programs' realms of design.
[Statement of full disclosure: 1) I'm a registered Zentimo user. 2) I got it at a greatly discounted price. 3) I haven't bothered to install it on my system in a long time.]
I have a huge desktop box.
Mozart Tx entertainment center (Thermaltake)
with 7 real internal disks......
:-[ :-*
and an external universal docks to connect hard drives via usb.
USB Safely Remove is only updated once per year, if that. The developer spends all his time on Zentimo, USB-SR's bigger brother and all new features will be put into Zentimo.
-Innuendo (February 15, 2014, 10:53 AM)
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As far as I can tell, not much is being added to Zentimo either. However, I'm a happy USB Safely Remove user and install it on all my machines. It does what I bought it for, and does it very well. So I have no complaints and no problem with the slow pace of updates - why do I need updates when it does what it's supposed to do?
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