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VMware Valentine's Day Sale


VMware's annual Valentine's Day sale started today (2/13/2014) and will run through tomorrow.

Workstation 10 is 20% off for both new licenses ($199.20) and upgrades ($95.20). 

It's still overpriced, given that VirtualBox is available for free, but I personally find Workstation the far better experience.

Never found a version of VMware I could run portable. But for VirtualBox there is a piece of software that uses the installer to create a portable VirtualBox.

And that I have used successfully on several computers. Hence my favorite would be VirtualBox. VMware is a solid experience though, especially when not using the VMware Player. That product is not bad at all, but forget (re-)configuring network settings in VMware VM's.

VMware Workstation is a tad expensive for my taste. Even with the 20% off, to be honest.

Depending on your needs, VMware can be many many times faster than VirtualBox

It's still overpriced, given that VirtualBox is available for free, but I personally find Workstation the far better experience.-xtabber (February 13, 2014, 02:42 PM)
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Oh, it definitely is, at least in my experience. Running the same OS on Workstation vs. VirtualBox wasn't even close to being the same experience. Workstation made it a much more pleasant, productive experience. And, if one is interested in such, Workstation can be easily altered to support OS X VMs.

However, like others have said, it's just too expensive. Their normal price should be about 50% what it is now and then run their sales with 20% off.

Oh, it definitely is, at least in my experience.-Innuendo (February 15, 2014, 11:14 AM)
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Agreed, in my experience, too.  I keep both installed, though.


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