OIC. Very similar colours to the XP Rose theme - per this screenshot. (I guess you can find it in the OS settings yourself.)
That's more pink than purple.
What I did was pretty close to the Lilac theme, as it looked to me on my old WinME machine with the crappy 2mb onboard graphics, running in 16bit color mode. That machine had issues with red and never displayed colors quite right. Working on photos was hell on that machine. You always had to turn down the red in them after getting them to look just right, otherwise everyone would look like they had sunburn, if you printed them or viewed them on another machine. I once created a website theme that was a really nice shade of brown, or so I thought. It turned out to be quite pink and girly looking, unsuitable for the guy I was creating it for.

WinME's Lilac:
Why didn't anyone tell me I could make the Windows 7 taskbar height non-obscene?