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Why didn't anyone tell me I could make the Windows 7 taskbar height non-obscene?
x16, your image shows the double height normal size win7 taskbar. i'm talking about the half-height option.
oh -- is that TClock you have showing that info? Didn't know it could display two-lines. nice.
I've had this option set for so many years that I forgot it wasn't like that by default. In fact, every single Windows 7 computer (including everybody else's computers) I've used has the smaller taskbar, so I'm still not sure I believe that it's not small by default.
I use small icons on a vertical taskbar so that I can easily access it between two monitors.
This lets me "stack" more taskbar buttons than I could have horizontally.
I've got 16gb of RAM, so it is easy to have so many apps running in the system tray,too. On a horizontal taskbar I would never be able to see them all at once.
x16, your image shows the double height normal size win7 taskbar. i'm talking about the half-height option.
oh -- is that TClock you have showing that info? Didn't know it could display two-lines. nice.
-mouser (February 06, 2014, 07:26 PM)
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By golly, you're right! I set small taskbar on every other machine I get on (at least all our servers, anyway)... but at home I have two 1920x1080 monitors so I didn't notice! Fixed now, though, I just set the text in T-Clock to size 8 Marlett instead of 10...
Another thing I did was this: I created a PowerPro toolbar that docks to the top of my screen and had it display a clock there.
My monitor is 1920x1080, so it might seem big to some folks.
The reason I'm showing this is because it's another way to have a custom clock.
As you can see in the image, there are other things too: icons that contain menus, a volume-slider (just scroll over it to adjust volume!), and a run box.
PowerPro, if you haven't tried it, is wonderful.
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