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Unchecky: automatically unchecking unwanted offers, while installing software!

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I don't know how it works either, but it looks like they work with various installers.  If you find one it doesn't work with, then you can request they update it to work with it.

or something like this ... :-[
-techidave (February 08, 2014, 01:35 PM)
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There's no "they". Only one guy is developing the program and maintaining the script used to determine which checkboxes to uncheck, etc.

This one caught my attention a couple months ago, but I've been waiting for it to mature a bit before I try installing it on any of my computers. I can't afford to have any down-time right now.

This one caught my attention a couple months ago, but I've been waiting for it to mature a bit before I try installing it on any of my computers. I can't afford to have any down-time right now.
-Innuendo (February 08, 2014, 04:06 PM)
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It works pretty well for me. It detects almost all of the installers with 3-rd party offers that I've come across. The ones that it doesn't, I tell the developer about via its feedback site, which is


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