Wn2k Sp-4 on my 8 year old PIIIE 600Mhz notebook with 512MB RAM loads in 2 minutes 42 seconds (I timed loading to the desktop until the cursor reverts to the arrow, as opposed to the hourglass). Once loaded, there are 51 processes running. I have 176 applications installed. NB you can shave, perhaps, 10 to 15 seconds off that time because I blew entering my password not once, but three times - forgot that I had changed it yesterday

I should do it again to see what difference it made, but this is close enough. Note, too, that all of my windows machines require ctrl-alt-del logins at boot but I have the Mac set to log directly into my user account without a password required - haven't gotten around to setting that up. Even so, the 59 seconds is impressive!
Now, the issue of functionality is a whole different one... the Win2k machine (which has the same 8MB Video card as the iBook) RIPS through Office 2003. The iBook is much slower running Office 2008 (which isn't a fair comparison, I know), but then, even users running brand new Macs with loads of RAM, dual-core Intel processors complain about Office 2008 being a pig to load.
@nontroppo - what method/recipe did you follow to get your Hackintosh up and running? I'd be curious to try Tiger on one or more of my machines.