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NANY 2014 Release: Process Piglet

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It lets me track working memory, or virtual memory, but not private memory. 

Let me look into that.

This really matters for chrome - I want it as a way to alert me when some tab suddenly has a memory leak and uses much more ran than expected. 

Right now, there is one chrome process that has a gig of working memory, but its private memory is half that, which is really the stat that matters. 

ProcessPiglet Beta:

v1.02.01 - Nov 4, 2018

* [BugFix] Was erroneously displaying growing memory use alerts on some large memory processes even when they weren't significantly increasingly their memory use.
* [Improvement] Now reports memory delta when showing alerts.
* [Improvement] Removed flickering of top-memory-process list.
* [Feature] Memory process list now shows peak memory use.
* [Feature] You can now select to view PRIVATE memory use as the memory use statistic.
Download beta:

I'd welcome any bug reports or feedback.


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