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NANY 2014 Release - epCheck

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FWIW, I just updated my series data and epCheck appears to be working normally.   :up:

zzynx, just checked and I do have build 166.  :)

And Jody, I am really happy that all I had was a temporary glitch, and that epCheck is working fine for all 3 of us.  Not sure what I'd do without it!

Greetings.  Been a long time.  Good to see activity here continues because...

epCheck 1.1.5 b166 has been working great, seems like forever.

I've been trying to add HBO's Watchmen but Search returns only Watchmen: Motion Comic from 2009.  I checked in TheTVDB and that's there with Watchmen (2017) and the HBO Watchmen with their three IDs.  Never had any issues with HBO; just added His Dark Materials a few days ago.

Is there a way to add a series by its ID?


I've been trying to add HBO's Watchmen but Search returns only Watchmen: Motion Comic from 2009.  I checked in TheTVDB and that's there with Watchmen (2017) and the HBO Watchmen with their three IDs.  Never had any issues with HBO; just added His Dark Materials a few days ago.
-dallas7 (October 19, 2019, 12:37 AM)
--- End quote ---

Oddly enough, the API search returns different results than searching via the website.  It's even mentioned in the API docs and, unfortunately, can cause situations such as this.  There is no way to add by ID, but you can manually add a show using this process:

* Within epCheck, add any show to a profile.  Make note of the name of the show and the profile you added it to.
* Shut down epCheck.
* Use a file manager to go into the "data" folder within epCheck's folder.  Find the <profile_name>.txt file and create a backup copy of it somewhere else.  Open the original in a text editor.
* Find the show name you added and change the name and show ID to what you want.  Be careful not to mess up the tab characters between the name, show ID, and profile name.
* Save the file and start up epCheck.  Find your show.
* Right-click your show, choose "Refresh series data" and let it do its thing.
* Once it's done downloading the show data, select a different show, and then reselect your show.  The data should be there.

Hi skwire, I'm still using epCheck happily and it's still going strong.

I have a question about TVmaze: how easy/difficult would it be to add as an option to use the TVmaze API? I mean in addition to TVDB, as a selectable option. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's probably not trivial, but I'm interested to know.

The main reason is that often for very recent episodes, TVmaze has the correct info, i.e. ep title and airdate sooner than TVDB. Occasionally it's the other way round but I find I often have to check their website when something doesn't match up.

Here's the info for their API -

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Bonus question: Have you ever considered open sourcing the project to Github or similar?


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