Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
skwire James Corden updated ? I went website I see data got added to the website, for James Corden it did not show up in all of epCheck's views. Can you please see if it did update ?
Yes, I see the new shows in epCheck. If you don't, please run a data update using the Options tab > TV data > Refresh all series data now button. You might have to restart epCheck after doing this.
skwire I understand that data comes from users of that site (sort of like Wikipedia). So, once new data gets added to the website, I am on the east General Hospital says 2 00 start when the show starts at 3 00 who do I contact about fixing this in epCheck's views.
I am on the east General Hospital says 2 00 start when the show starts at 3 00 who do I contact about fixing this-sportman12 (August 22, 2016, 03:52 PM)
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*shrug* I've no idea. You can try signing up on and poking around in their forums to see if you can figure out who to contact or if you can even fix it yourself. In regards to showtimes, keep in mind that epCheck will only ever show what has listed. What I mean is that I will not be adding any sort of time zone adjustment to the listed times in epCheck. I'm pretty certain that assumes all times are EST. As I mentioned previously, if you're trying to use epCheck as a program guide, you'd probably be better off finding an actual EPG (Electronic Program Guide) application to use instead.
Darklight Indigo:
I just thought you might like to know that this handy little utility seems to be running just fine on Linux. :)
Here's the setup I used to test it:
Ubuntu 16.04 x64
wine-devel 1.9.17
winetricks for vcrun2013 and vcrun2015
I can pull debugs from the CLI if you're interested...
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