Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
Nice app. I am a person who watches more TV shows than movies and it can get complicated. I am currently using to try and keep track of new shows coming and many series that have been canceled.
There have been times in the past where the site went down so I started to looking for a simple app that would do the same thing. Yours comes close. It would be nice if I could track what shows I have seen since at times I either job series and do not come back for some time or I have no time to watch anything for weeks at a time. All said it can get confusing if you are watching new releases and casually trying to catch up on old classics at the same time.
Possible to get epCheck to record watched shows? It would be nice if you clicked on the episode number it could change it to a color the user sets to indicate seen.
Also I noticed that when I have it in maxed view that there is a large blank column after the 'Air Date'. Possible that instead of being blanked out that you could add the episodes summary there? Would be a nice way to see all episodes summaries at a glance in case your trying to find a specific show for another to watch.
Possible to get epCheck to record watched shows? It would be nice if you clicked on the episode number it could change it to a color the user sets to indicate seen.-nickodemos (January 14, 2014, 11:35 AM)
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I have thought about adding something like this but I need to figure out in my head how I want to keep track of that (programmatically). In other words, stay tuned.
Also I noticed that when I have it in maxed view that there is a large blank column after the 'Air Date'. Possible that instead of being blanked out that you could add the episodes summary there? Would be a nice way to see all episodes summaries at a glance in case your trying to find a specific show for another to watch.-nickodemos (January 14, 2014, 11:35 AM)
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The episode overviews are already in the listview but I keep them hidden. However, you make a good point so I've made a little tweak for you and uploaded a new version that doesn't force that column to stay hidden. You will need to download the new version and then do a bit of manual column-shifting like I show in this animated GIF (click on the image):
NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
Not a programmer but I think I can see your point on adding the keeping track of seen shows.
How about default all series as seen before todays date. If something is not seen then add a right click so that one can change status and then add the episode ID to a master list to change the color in the viewing DB.
Might be easier if you go by air date instead since it is already listed in the viewing area.
I should have stated that all new series added should default as seen. If none have been seen then it is easy enough to highlight all in the series and change the status. After that nothing is changed unless done manually.
So to clarify. Go by airdate to track. If no airdate is listed by series ID then all have been seen. If none have been seen then all airdate will be in master list and as they are changed manually then that airdate is removed from the list.
Idea being that the list will actually shrink over time instead of getting larger.
Not a programmer but I think I can see your point on adding the keeping track of seen shows.-nickodemos (January 14, 2014, 10:12 PM)
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If I do add anything, it will be just be a checkbox on each row. Checked for seen, unchecked for not seen. No colours, et al. Of course, I'll make it so it's easy to highlight and check multiple entries at once, make it easy to mark an entire series as watched, etc. I do try to keep my apps very simple and focused so if something like that isn't going to be sufficient, you might want to take a look at Free TvDB as it's a much more complete app in this regard than epCheck will ever be.
I seen you recommend it earlier. Checked it out and for some reason it would not connect to the net. Dropped it for now since your program is close to what I want. Dead simple and easy while being portable and small. Just the seen and not seen is the only thing lacking for me. I will bid my time.
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