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NANY 2014 Release - epCheck

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Good piece of software...

But, since version I found bug... Try ''500 nations'' series, and I can't see episodes. I think that bug is because that is no air date in culumn ''air date''. Also, in new version 1.1.1 some banner images is not downloaded in my local folder. When I try manualy to put banners image from site, epCheck delete all pictures on new automatic refresh.

I replaced the 2014-01-15 epcheck.exe version by the 2014-02-04 version..
then I added a new series: Burn notice and refreshed Castle (2009)
both gave the same unzip error, does that help?-wjamoe (February 07, 2014, 02:50 PM)
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Both those series load fine for me.  Are you running epCheck under an Administrator account?

Good piece of software...-elbooker (February 07, 2014, 04:33 PM)
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Thanks, elbooker, and welcome to the DonationCoder site.

But, since version I found bug... Try ''500 nations'' series, and I can't see episodes. I think that bug is because that is no air date in culumn ''air date''. Also, in new version 1.1.1 some banner images is not downloaded in my local folder. When I try manualy to put banners image from site, epCheck delete all pictures on new automatic refresh.-elbooker (February 07, 2014, 04:33 PM)
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Thank for the bug reports.  I believe I have both of these fixed in the latest version (1.1.3).  Please download, test, and let me know.   :)

Website | Download
v1.1.3 - 2014-02-07
    ! Series without air dates were not displayed.  (Thanks, elbooker)

v1.1.2 - 2014-02-07
    * Some toolbar changes.
    ! Not all images were downloaded when "All" was selected in Options.

Thank, Skwire.

Version 1.1.3 working fine.
I have one sugestion: Favorite series tab, next to Series tab? or: Wached tab and unwatched tab.

Anyway, epCheck is part of my collection, and wish you many good ideas. Maybe ''MoviesCheck'' from IMDB...  :)

Thank, Skwire.
Version 1.1.3 working fine.-elbooker (February 08, 2014, 06:15 AM)
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Good to hear.  Thank you.

I have one sugestion: Favorite series tab, next to Series tab? or: Wached tab and unwatched tab.-elbooker (February 08, 2014, 06:15 AM)
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As I mentioned previously, I have been rolling around in my head a sort of "profiles" type of functionality where you could save/load specific lists of shows.  In other words, you could make several lists to cover your needs: watching, watched, cancelled, etc.  I wasn't thinking additional tabs...more like a drop-down where you could select which profile to view.  I have started work on this but no ETA at this time.  Here's a teaser screenshot:

NANY 2014 Release - epCheck

Anyway, epCheck is part of my collection, and wish you many good ideas. Maybe ''MoviesCheck'' from IMDB...  :)-elbooker (February 08, 2014, 06:15 AM)
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Great idea.
Thank you, skwire.  :Thmbsup:


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