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NANY 2014 Release - epCheck

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Thank you very much for the new features!

P.S. I have updated the screenshot for the TPFC entry, hope you're OK with it (animated .gif with 4 frames and 5 seconds delay).

Thank you very much for the new features!

P.S. I have updated the screenshot for the TPFC entry, hope you're OK with it (animated .gif with 4 frames and 5 seconds delay).
-joby_toss (February 05, 2014, 01:01 PM)
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No problem at all.   :D. Thanks for taking care of that.

thanks for the update/release! :Thmbsup:

I found a small bug when adding a series and refreshing one series. Both actions result in the following unzip error:

   There was a problem unzipping the series data. You might have to run epCheck as administrator

As a result of the error the folder for that series is empty. I used epCheck version of 15th Jan to restore the folder contents  ;)

I found a small bug when adding a series and refreshing one series. Both actions result in the following unzip error:-wjamoe (February 05, 2014, 03:49 PM)
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I'm a little unclear so could you please provide some more detail?  Was this a particular series?  Or, are you saying that you were adding and refreshing at the same time?  Or....?

I replaced the 2014-01-15 epcheck.exe version by the 2014-02-04 version..
then I added a new series: Burn notice and refreshed Castle (2009)
both gave the same unzip error, does that help?

I renamed data folder and ran the program again, it works now okay


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