Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
NANY 2014 Release - Wallpaper Welder
How about add option FIT? for smaler side, because if use center big part image lose if image have bigger dimension then monitor. (sorry my bad english)
Hi, KDimon, and welcome to DonationCoder.
How about add option FIT? for smaler side, because if use center big part image lose if image have bigger dimension then monitor. (sorry my bad english)
-KDimon (June 15, 2016, 12:04 PM)
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Unless I misunderstand you, the "Scale image" option (when you right-click) is what you're describing.
I try show
i want only remove black stripes, but if i choose scale
image bigger resolution and big part image lost. maybe add optin fit width/height?
and when fit need posiibility move image left/right (if height) and up/down (width)
it's possible? Thanks.
You might have better luck with the following application:
I lost the old wallpaper Wallpaper Welder made for me and can't now make it repeat the trick.
It looks fine (demoing with a couple of VladStudio images):
NANY 2014 Release - Wallpaper Welder
but the wallpaper it actually makes looks like this:
NANY 2014 Release - Wallpaper Welder
so when the image is tiled the left hand monitor is as it should be but the right has a truncated image and a lot of background!
I don't change wallpaper often on this machine and the last time I used it was probably a couple of years back, and Windows has been reinstalled at least once if not twice since then (Win 7 x64, before you ask, and the representation of monitor arrangement shown in the capture of the Wallpaper Welder window is accurate.)
Have I messed up the settings somehow?
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