OK then kick me now while I'm down

but I cannot get this next on to follow the focus of the calls.
Simple, easy, and worked perfect but created my folder it root C.
trying to automate a few things that I have pieced together most of on DC over time.
Using Clavier+ I set alt+F5 to run a batch file named auto.bat that was supposed to allow me to input a few characters which should be used to create a folder at the location where my prompt is when I run the Al+F5. I knew it wasn't going to work but still not sure how to get the file to be created where I run the hotkey.
It could be inside of any one of 30 different root folders. It then copies the contents of a generic starter setup with al the necessary parts and pieces waiting to be customized for that user.
While it did "Thankfully"!

create the subfolder properly before dumping about 1000 misc. files all over the place, it did so at root C:
I have only looked for 15 minutes trying to find the (probably simple) method to get the focus of the command to be inside the folder I am in when I run the hotkey, I can't find anything that appears to work that way. I cannot write the path into the batch as I will be using it in various places every time I call with ALT=-F5.

I just had a better idea to save room, if I could unzip a zipped copy of all the required stuff that would probably be even better.
Once this part is working, I have to use the same name to create a MySQL Database from a command line. This something I had help getting to work a while back have to see who to thank for that one. Once I put it all together, I should be able to use a single hot key to setup the whole thing.
Only thing let is finding the best image utility to resize an image to a specific size (in pixels) png file with as little loss as possible, So far, PAINT has been doing a pretty good job since I may have to start out with a jpg or whatever they send me. I found a few Online utilities but prefer to work with all programs and files "in hand" I'm just tossing this out to see if anyone has a favorite that I have not yet tried. Most of them that are any good are far too complicated. I just need to take a 380x260 (or ?) pixel jpg photo and change it to a 742x350pixel png file and not lose so much resolution cant ell what it was to start with.

I usually end up looking for a similar but larger one I can shrink instead.