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So, about wallpaper changers...
Hey there .o/
I have a kinda specific request, for after trying various wallpaper changers I can't find the one that perfectly meets my needs.
It seems simple (at least from a user's point of view) yet from all the programs I've tried, all miss at least two of the following features :
- randomly chooses a picture from a folder (and its subfolders) to set as wallpaper and repeats the process after a user definable delay
- provides good quality picture resampling¹, keeping aspect ratio no matter what, including support of PNG files ; I don't mind if that requires another freeware (such as IrfanView) to be installed
- can be told to suspend its action if some specific process (in fact any one from a user definable list) is running²
- stay "simple": I don't need such things as automatically get the pictures from social networks, rating pictures or dozens of options...
- be freeware? :D
I took a look at several threads around here (such as and ) and it seemed that probably could be done by modifying aCkRiTe's AutoHotKey script (which unfortunately I don't feel able to do).
So, does anyone know of a program that does what I want, or can make one? Please? ^^'
¹: because Windows 7's method, as well as many freewares out there, make very ugly artefacts on smaller pictures that didn't have any before upscaling them to the monitor's size, even though it would seem to be common sense to resize before converting to jpeg
²: because some older games such as the first Diablo (and most likely the first StarCraft, though I don't play this one) don't seem to like the wallpaper changing at all when using Windows 7, and I think killing explorer.exe before playing is not an acceptable option :p
I should be able to whip up a prototype pretty quickly tonight. Stay tuned.
Just something you might want to also look at: Wallpaper Cycler.
Don't know if you already looked at it, but it seems like it meets your requirements, especially in my use.
Hello there :]
I just tested the Lite version and it seems to be doing a good job as for the resizing of pictures without noticeable quality loss :}
However I didn't find where I could specify to stop when a specific program is running. I've read on its website something about CPU load, but Diablo is such an old game it will probably never load the CPU enough to trigger that feature ^^'. The reason why I want to prevent the wallpaper from changing when it is running is not because of performance issues but because if the wallpaper changes while the game is running, it will corrupt the game's colors.
So I'll still wait for skwire's prototype, but I'll keep this one in a corner of my HDD just in case, thank you :}
Edit: now that I think of it, I might just use this program you told me about and run the game using a script that kills/exits the wallpaper changer before running the game and runs it again after the game exited… that probably would be a simple solution for everyone.
Ah... I missed that part. There are two places you can check for a way around it:
So, about wallpaper changers...
So, about wallpaper changers...
But no way to check for a specific program. For that, skwire's solution would probably be more optimal. You could also have an AHK script that generates the shortcut and put it in a batch file that you run when you want to run diablo that does that first.
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