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Special Security Software Just for Women?
Using Malwarebytes’s proven technology, ChicaPC-Shield™ was designed for women by employing straightforward language and processes to make installation and usability fast, simple and completely accessible.
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translation: easy enough for a girl to understand it.
Hmm...and they really expect to garner support and win customers with a marketing concept that's both condescending and insulting?
I'll bet these guys (you know they're guys) are really popular with the ladies and get invited to all the 'good parties' with an attitude like that.
Note: showed the press release to my GF. She didn't say anything. But the expression on her face spoke volumes. :tellme:
Is special anti-malware software just for women, actually necessary?-app103 (December 10, 2013, 05:25 AM)
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Anti-malware for men fix the problem and send you on your way.
Anti-mailware for women, however, explores the problem, discusses your feelings about how this problem affects you, and works with you towards a solution that will reaffirm your womanhood while letting you look stylish and fashion-forward while doing it. 8)
Late last year, Panda Security released a Social Media Risk Index that shows Facebook was the leader in malware threats at 71.6 percent, YouTube came in at 41.2 percent and Twitter recorded a 51 percent risk for privacy violations. And 33 percent of SMBs who typically have security technology in place for their users report financial losses to their business as a result of social media-based malware infection. According to a new study from comScore, more women use social networking sites and spend more time on these sites than men do. The study concluded that 76 percent of women spent time on social media sites compared with 70 percent of men, and women spent 5.5 hours a month on these sites compared to only 4 hours a month for men.
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Found on Chicalogic press release
I can see their logic from a business aspect to use the same appeal for woman products with security software to try and get more users to actually use some protection.
-hollowlife1987 (December 10, 2013, 09:26 AM)
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6% more women use social networking sites and they stay on for an average of 1.5 hours longer per month than men.
Perhaps there is some logic in targeting their marketing of a gender neutral anti-malware a bit more specifically to women, but not the need to create an anti-malware just for women.
It's right up there with special ink pens for women (read the reviews!).
I'll bet these guys (you know they're guys) are really popular with the ladies and get invited to all the 'good parties' with an attitude like that.
-40hz (December 10, 2013, 10:15 AM)
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Their About page makes it seem that nothing but women work for the company. In fact, it seems almost as if it may be a requirement to work there. I wonder if we will be hearing about a gender discrimination lawsuit in their future, when a fully qualified man applies for a job there, and is turned down. :tellme:
Using Malwarebytes’s proven technology, ChicaPC-Shield™ was designed for women by employing straightforward language and processes to make installation and usability fast, simple and completely accessible.
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-40hz (December 10, 2013, 10:15 AM)
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So, it doesn't just look like Malwarebytes, it is Malwarebytes? Is the regular Malwarebytes that difficult that it needs a dumbed down version, for anyone?
Note: showed the press release to my GF. She didn't say anything. But the expression on her face spoke volumes. :tellme:
-40hz (December 10, 2013, 10:15 AM)
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I bet it's the same expression as on my face, the one I usually wear when I see unnecessarily genderized products, like higher priced, inferior quality, pink microscopes in the toy stores, as if girls can't use the better quality, lower cost, black ones.
I have a good mind to send a link to this site (and this thread) to Sociological Images.
Note: showed the press release to my GF. She didn't say anything. But the expression on her face spoke volumes. :tellme:
-40hz (December 10, 2013, 10:15 AM)
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I bet it's the same expression as on my face, the one I usually wear when I see unnecessarily genderized products, like higher priced, inferior quality, pink microscopes in the toy stores, as if girls can't use the better quality, lower cost, black ones.
-app103 (December 10, 2013, 10:48 AM)
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Possibly. ;D
For the record, her eyes slowly got about an eighth of an inch larger than usual as she read, and then became about a sixteenth of an inch narrower than usual after she finished. Nothing else on her face changed so much as a fraction.
(Her facial expressions are infinitely nuanced and subtle. I suspect she could go through her life without speaking at all, yet still communicate quite clearly. ;))
Anti-mailware for women, however, explores the problem, discusses your feelings about how this problem affects you, and works with you towards a solution that will reaffirm your womanhood while letting you look stylish and fashion-forward while doing it.
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i know i shouldn't have laughed, but i couldn't help myself. :P
however, in fairness, i think your description of anti-malware for men might be more accurately described thusly:
"Anti-malware for men: $25 for basic anti-malware, but for only $200 extra you can get path-programmable lasers; or an extra $25 on top of that for extra power lasers. Add another $50 for extreme-effect audible alerts. Or buy the Master-Defender Elite Lifetime Edition for only $500."
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