Software > N.A.N.Y. 2014
NANY 2014 RELEASE: Weather Station Warlock
Sorry, I mean it won't download the list of stations at all. I have it marked in firewall to allow. It puts "An error occu" in the State dropdown.
Seem's like its a problem with the NWS Station List ATM which is out of my control unless I can figure out a workaround to make the xml parser skip errors.
--- Code: Text ---XML Parsing Error: not well-formedLine Number 13534, Column 61: <station_name>ALABAMA RIVER AT CLAIBORNE LOCK & DAM NEAR MONROEVILLE</station_name>--------------------------------------------------------------^
You may need to delete states.txt in the cache folder before you check to see if it is fixed.
Meanwhile...if you know the station id...
You can create a file in the main directory of WSW called stations.xml.
And inside it here is what mine looks like...
--- Code: Text ---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><WeatherStationWarlock> <FileFormatVersion>1</FileFormatVersion> <Stations> <Station id="KTRI" name="Tri-Cities Airport" /> <Station id="KCRP" name="Corpus Christi International Airport" /> <Station id="KCMI" name="Champaign / Urbana, University of Illinois-Willard" /> <Station id="KBKF" name="Buckley AFB/Aurora" /> </Stations></WeatherStationWarlock>
Change station id to the id of yours...
One workaround to find the station id atm is...
Goto enter your location to find your local forecast...then on the page that comes up look under Current Conditions at and find the id...
The station id is inside the ().
If I know a station name or ID or URL of RSS or XML, is there any way to bypass this list?
Added to previous post and also sent a message to the NWS and will post an update here hopefully soon when they have fixed it so everyone knows. :)
Yep, I saw that right after I posted - I got a few local stations working so I'm OK - thanks!!!
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