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Laptop Lock only on Lid Close

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Sorry.  Guess I was in a silly mood due to caffeine deprivation.  Time for a coffee.   :D

Sorry.  Guess I was in a silly mood due to caffeine deprivation.  Time for a coffee.   :D
-MilesAhead (December 08, 2013, 12:10 PM)
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I'm the opposite - I get in a silly mood *after* the coffee (but then I'm not a big coffee drinker).

Sorry.  Guess I was in a silly mood due to caffeine deprivation.  Time for a coffee.   :D
-MilesAhead (December 08, 2013, 12:10 PM)
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I'm the opposite - I get in a silly mood *after* the coffee (but then I'm not a big coffee drinker).
-tomos (December 08, 2013, 01:08 PM)
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I only have a couple a day.  I discovered kafe with milk Cuban coffee in Miami.  It's the only way I like my coffee now.  It's also the only thing I know how to order in Spanish.  :)

There's two more options for locking on lid close over here: SumTips

There's a two more options for locking on lid close over here: SumTips
-4wd (December 08, 2013, 04:40 PM)
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LicLock looks like it may be cool.  The LClock is the exe that was in the zip in the blog link.  But the gui program should appeal to the user as he doesn't have to fiddle with autoit.  Thanks.  :)


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