ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Circle Dock

Stop Cirlce Dock from going invisible

<< < (2/2)

Yes!  Thank you... it was the settings in the individual dock items that were causing this, as show in your screenshot above.  Thanks for the help.    :)

Yes!  Thank you... it was the settings in the individual dock items that were causing this, as show in your screenshot above.  Thanks for the help.    :)
-Drybonz (April 02, 2010, 06:18 AM)
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No problem  :Thmbsup:

have fun

What is happening, by Default:
When you create a new link in Circle Dock the link automatically get set to "Hide Dock on opening Files and Folders"
-sgtevmckay (April 01, 2010, 12:15 PM)
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Can this also be disabled? Or do I have to change that setting every time I add a new item (suppose I always want to keep the dock visible)?

I am having a problem where when I restore windows, sometimes the dock shows on top - I am happy to click away from the dock to select the window that I am using, but most of the time I have to click three times before I can select the window - can anyone help?


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