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Other Software > Developer's Corner

How are these AutoHotkey script protected?

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I don't think they are actively protected/obfuscated.  Would be kind of silly given that the source code versions are also made available by skrommel.

I think it might be that they have been run through something that gives them a custom icon?

...perhaps it's using IronAHK-justice (December 03, 2013, 05:35 AM)
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Unfortunately you may be right.  I compiled the hello world example, tried to decompile it, and got the message:

<Could not find pattern: >
<File seems not to be a valid compiled AHK Script or it uses an unknown protection.>

I say unfortunately because that seems to be an abandoned project not updated since 2010-10-24 and it will not compile more complex recent scripts.

I don't think they are actively protected/obfuscated.  Would be kind of silly given that the source code versions are also made available by skrommel.-mouser (December 03, 2013, 06:48 AM)
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Maybe, if IronAHK was just his normal compiler then he didn't do it with the intention of obfuscation but just out of routine/habit.

I think it might be that they have been run through something that gives them a custom icon?-mouser (December 03, 2013, 06:48 AM)
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Can you tell me more about this?  I'll give it a try.

Also you might ask Lexicos.  He's the author of Autohotkey_L.  He may have some insights.

Can you tell me more about this?  I'll give it a try.
-vbmark (December 03, 2013, 06:53 AM)
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Compile_AHK II
Latest version at the end of the thread, explanation at the start.


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