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Network/website problem 1+1+1=0. Seeking a solution.

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Networks are a closed book to me — heck, I have trouble even reading the title on the cover.

I have three facts here that I think state my problem. After testing under WIndows 7 and 8.1, and with a plethora of browsers, the three statements resolve to these:

* On my own desk-top computers I can load any site except my own.
* The same is true on my Android tablet (entirely different o/s).
* Other people can load my site just fine.
What happens when I try to load my own site from the web is interminable load times, and 'not available' content, and badly-formed layouts.

A few more details

* The site is hosted by a small-ish, fairly local ISP. My previous site there had no problems.
* My feed comes through a satellite modem and thence to a router.
* tracert info for the site is poor, but not as poor as that for other sites that load just fine.
* I put up a minimal, unfinished site to play with at
I've been banging my head against a wall trying to understand why the site doesn't work properly for me (from the web) but does work for just about everybody else. If nothing else, it makes revisions tricky as I've no way of knowing their real-world effects. Whenever I have what I think is an 'aha moment' a review of the three statements rules it out.

I'd welcome any insights that might help to resolve the problem.

I had another idea that might help narrow it down a little, what happens if you use an online HTTP proxy to load the site?

eg. kproxy

This is what I see:

Is that right?

This is what I see:
Is that right?
-Renegade (November 30, 2013, 09:43 PM)
--- End quote ---
Yes. Click on one of the images and it should tile up to a bunch of other stuff.
I just clicked on Birds-1 and Birds-2. After a loooooong wait Birds-2 opened and a click inside that produced a severely broken format.

I had another idea that might help narrow it down a little, what happens if you use an online HTTP proxy to load the site?

eg. kproxy
-4wd (November 30, 2013, 08:57 PM)
--- End quote ---

Just tried it. It's still slow but it's not broken UK newspaper loads much faster. Right now everything here is slow, unfortunately (especially me) we had some snow and that is so surprising here, in Canada, that everything's gone into panic mode. Just like Christmas, always sneaks up and takes one unawares.


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