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A bunch of updates to my programs


I've uploaded some updates to many of my large applications in the last week:

* Find and Run Robot 2.213.01
* Screenshot Captor v4.8
* URL Snooper v2.33.01
* Form Letter Machine v1.13.01
* LaunchBar Commander v1.139
* MiniCap v1.28
* Clipboard Help+Spell v2.23
* Progress Bars of Life v1.09
* Point Motivator v1.09
* PopUp Wisdom v1.08
As always, you can find the list of what's new both in the online help pages (linked from each program homepage) or in the forum thread about the application (also linked from each program homepage).

Is your Easy Screencast Recorder more or less "abandoned" project? At least, DcUpdater database haven't been updated for it :) (I have 1.09.01 and dcupdater indicates 1.07.01 for most recent).

Easy Screencast Recorder is definitely *not* abandonware.

However, it is in an awkward state where it's really not easy and painless to use, and it's hard for me to really recommend it whole heartedly except to users who have very specific needs.  That's the main struggle i have with it -- finding a use case where ESR could be a tool of choice.

We should continue this discussion on this thread, but i think what i would really appreciate is if there are people who have checked out the competition and can help me identify some small set of essential features that would make ESR a tool of choice for some scenario, and a set of key features that need to be added to ESR to make it genuinely useful.


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