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How can I find out what is restarting my PC automatically?
^Oh yeah, that :-[
No. That seems to have been just a coincidence. But the ATI driver does seem to be crashing a lot then. It has given me 21 events only today (and I'm only counting the events occurring at different times, as I had 13 events at 23:29:40 alone), even though I haven't noticed anything unusual happening.
So what has the .NET Framework got to do with all this (ATI driver crashes)?-dr_andus (November 25, 2013, 05:42 PM)
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The .NET Framework is used by the ATI CCC, (Catalyst Control Panel - or whatever it's called, it's changed name since then).
Aside from what Target mentioned, (trying Safe Mode), I'd be tempted to remove iTunes, the ATI drivers, and the .NET Framework.
Optional: Use Driver Sweeper to remove any trace of the ATI graphics drivers and the .NET Cleanup Tool.
Then reinstall .NET and the latest ATI drivers for the card and see how that goes for a while.
As before: Do a BACKUP before you do the above.
Aside from what Target mentioned, (trying Safe Mode), I'd be tempted to remove iTunes, the ATI drivers, and the .NET Framework.
Optional: Use Driver Sweeper to remove any trace of the ATI graphics drivers and the .NET Cleanup Tool.
Then reinstall .NET and the latest ATI drivers for the card and see how that goes for a while.
As before: Do a BACKUP before you do the above.
-4wd (November 25, 2013, 06:19 PM)
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Wow, that sounds like a massive job. :stars: I think I'll start with the dusting...
But many thanks for all the advice. I'll have to go and sort this out step-by-step. It will take a while...
instead of uninstalling stuff I'd probably use something like Autoruns (portable version here) and disable all the non essential items - you can go back and reenable stuff selectively to narrow things down if this helps.
If and when you identify the culprit then you can uninstall and update/reinstall
If you don't use iTunes I'd be sorely tempted to remove it and every trace of it, including Bonjour.
-4wd (November 25, 2013, 04:28 PM)
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Yes, but that's almost pointless, because it seems like the next time you type the word "apple" that dratted Bonjour crap gets reinstalled. Same if you visit a web page with a picture of an apple on it. (Damn, there it is again... appwiz.cpl time again...) :P
Stoic Joker:
I don't know that anybody hates Bonjour more than I do, but I can't see it doing this. So I'd stay focused on the video angle for now.
@4wd - Yes uptime.exe had developed a crashing problem awhile back (it is an NT4 utility...), but I was thinking it was only for network connections...not LM too (oops!). Also IIRC it reports in UTC so the disparity should match your time zone offset.
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